Emotional sports fans

Yesterday Polish representation won the Volleyball World Championship. Although I find matches rather boring I watched this one with my friends. I found it quite interesting how impassioned people were about the games. Some of them were literally terrified when ‘their’ team lost the point and Polish fans started crying with tears of joy when it turned out that Polish representation won. I started wondering if those people are so emotional in all life situations but the answer is probably not. But why is sport what brings the feelings out? I guess that they feel some kind of a bond with the players and identify with them as of the same nationality. However, it seems a bit ridiculous to me. I can understand players who are emotional but fans have nothing to do neither with their success nor defeat. Maybe some people just need this feeling of being involved in something bigger? As for me, it is a psychological phenomenon which is quite hard to understand.


  1. I used to cry when Adam Małysz won a competition. I guess it's our need to be a part of a community, to belong to a group and also to identify with someone successful - 'they are winning, they are Polish, I am Polish so I am winning too'.
    BTW, it's our NATIONALTEAM. the word 'representation' has other meanings.

  2. I agree, that it’s rather a case of our need for being a part of something greater, some community, joined with that primal urge to compete. People adapt successes and losses of their national team as their own, and thus get so emotional about it. I admit, I get this feeling too, which’s source I seek in my bond with my country and people that I share it with, with whom we all wear the same national colours, have common history, coat of arms...


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