What to do if you hate small talk


The main idea of this video is that small talk is not a meaningless conversation but an ‘introduction’ to raising more significant questions, a step in a dialogue which must be taken to reach more sophisticates, existential subjects. It turns out to be crucial to build trust and the will to share in a relationship of almost every kind. What is more, it allows you to figure out a general attitude and views of your interlocutor toward many subjects and find out which of the less trivial topics are ‘safe’ to talk about.

to broach a topic

You should never broach the topic of her past with her if you don’t want to upset her.

to take fright

I was trying to approach slowly and quietly but the rabbit took fright and run away.


Women tend to smile at their interlocutors more often than men.


  1. And do you instinctively agree with this interpretation?
    We tend to forget that one of the mostimportant goals of conversation is to establish the so called 'phatic communion', i.e. a friendly relationship with another human being. Hence the seemingly empty weather talk so common in English conversation.
    It took me years to learn the basic rules of small talk and appreciate its importance but I still find it spurious and tiring on many occasions.


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