Virginia Woolf

This video is about Virginia Woolf. I liked that the video focused more on her works than biography - there was only a short introduction which mentioned the most important events in her life. Although her biography is fascinating and significantly influenced her writing, I think that one can learn more about her from her novels and essays. That was the mark she wanted to leave on the world, and that is what every artist should be valued (or sometimes criticized) for. On the other hand, in today’s world many people in artworld seem to be famous for they image, gossips and dramas they were included in, while their art comes second. I believe that Woolf and her writing would be considered in completely different terms.

at odds with
He finds himself at odds with the headmaster.

to term sth
She termed the book ‘her beloved child’.

cradled in
The baby fell asleep cradled in her father’s arms.


  1. Her writing literally changed the world by influencing whole generations of feminists. You may have noticed that I have a mug with and image of her book "A Room of My Own"?


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