Should writers experiment?

Last week I read a crime story written by J. K. Rowling - the author of the Harry Potter series. I read all the Harry Potter books when I was younger, this summer her other novel titled “The Casual Vacancy”, and when I compared these three examples of her writing, it surprised me how different they were - not only the plot and the reality in which it took place (which are quite obvious) but also the language, the way of conducting dialogues and creation of the characters. If I did not know who wrote them, I would never guess it was the same person. It often happens that if an author writes one successful book then they keep writing the continuation of it or write similar ones, maybe because they start feeling as if it was their “safe zone”. I think that if a writer wants to stay on top, that have to change and experiment. However, lately I’ve had an impression that the ‘mainstream’ book market is becoming less and less diversified and many authors base their storylines on the same scheme.


  1. I agree, the multitude of titles available on the market worsens the quality of it - nobody is now interested in making a good quality story, they just want the copies of it to be sold in hundreds of thousands. Sadly, the intellectual value of a book is to much extent sidetracked

  2. It's incredibly difficult, I think, to change once style of writing, characters and their background if you've achieved success such as Harry Potter. Unsuccessful writers experiment all the time as they look for their own style. But having had a huge success like JK Rowling, it takes guts to look for a new voice. Or maybe she just wanted to prove to everyone that she is not just a one-book-writer?


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