Christmas shopping

The Christmas fever has started a few weeks ago and every year I have an impression that the number of decorations and ‘Christmas stuff’ advertised everywhere and available at all kinds of shops is bigger than the previous year. I do not want to complain about the Christmas spirit but actually I find it quite depressing that people buy so many things just to put out them for two weeks in a year, and in many cases just throw away every year. Is it all really necessary to feel the holiday atmosphere? The waste that is produced in that period of the year is surprisingly big and probably the most unfounded. Many ecological organisations focus on for example trying to prohibit the sale of live carps in Christmas time, but I did not notice much attention paid to the matter of being flooded in gifts and products in four layers of plastic, holiday-themed packaging. I know it is not what keeps everybody’s heads and probably it is not the most important thing at Christmas but it would be nice if people at least limited buying useless stuff.


  1. What an interesting observation, I never thought about it this way. now that You've mentioned that, I must say I fully agree, that its impact on waste volume shouldn't be diminished, and the least we could do is say: try to use biodegradable or recycled wrapping paper while packing christmas presents, or not buy all the unnecessary stuff we don't really want, or need anyway

  2. I think that Christmas atmosphere is really important for many people. However, I agree that people should think about wasting paper and plastic. Maybe people should consider eco-friendly christmas decoration like salt dough decoration, pine cones or slices of dried oranges.


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