Why do people support politicians like Bolsonaro?

The only answer I can give to this question is that people support and vote for radical right-wing politicians because they think that they are somehow better than some other option. There are so many different factors and situation that probably every person who supports such political views has actually a little bit different reason to do so. However, I think a lot about it because I personally often do not agree with opinions those politicians present and it makes me wonder why do they differ. Is it a result of the way of upbringing and the impact of society or does it ‘come from you’ and is something natural? On one hand it is hard to believe that we can ‘be born with some kind of morality’, but on the other I feel that my views are not imposed in any way but are natural for me and it is quite difficult to imagine that for someone else they could be not.

In my opinion the problem with answering this question, and with politics in general, is that nobody can actually understand or imagine the other person's views because they are usually influenced by their whole life. As a result, we do not usually think about what others think because it is frustrating that we can not understand it. However, I am afraid that a lot of people do not give much thought to their own views and who they vote for to represent them. The fact that some people do not care (or claim not to) is probably a bigger problem and on some levels might be a reason why politics all over the world is nowadays so full of hate.


  1. If we assume that the surge in alt-right popularity is caused by various individual motivations, we throw away the chance to understand this phenomenon and to counteract. There are numerous sociological analyses explaining the rise in populism and fascism we are currently witnessing, often comparing the situation to the one in the 1930s. Dig deeper.


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