
Recently I attended two lessons on a similar topic, given by two teachers. I was surprised by how distinct they were. Those teachers gave us the same information but in a completely different way.  It made me consider how the 'style' of teaching influences students and what is the cause of their diversity. The thought that first crossed my mind was on the connection between the teacher's character and their way of passing the knowledge. Is there some set of qualities that they should have? And if so, why is it not the criterion of hiring teachers or accepting people to study how to teach? But why then some of them are appreciated by a half of students and the other half does not really get what they say? Maybe there are different 'styles' suitable for different students. I thought that this is issue has not been really examined scientifically what would be the reason of all these, as I believed, unanswered questions. However, it turned out that there is plenty of rather reliable studies on teaching, schools etc. This leads to another question: why are not these discoveries used in creating the schooling system? Actually, as I learned, they were particularly ignored while the education reform in Poland. I’ve had an impression that teaching became a political issue.


  1. You got me really interested! What teachers? What subject? In what way were they different - one good, one bad or the difference was more complex? And what studies should've been taken into account while reforming our educational system?

    1. The biggest difference was that one of them gave a lecture and a lot of information, many of which were actually quite meaningless and useless but also included some anegdotes loosely connected with the topic but quite memorable. The other teacher made me feel like I really used the 45 minutes of the lesson the best as I could. She asked question and encouraged students to form and express their own opinions. This lesson made me understand the topic more 'deeply' but also required me to be really focused and alert all the time so it was much more tiring.

      Those studies I meant concerned different ways of learning (and different 'types' of information and how they should be taught, for instance the VAK or actually its continuation), as well as those on how the information should be grouped to be easier to be remembered.

  2. I agree with you, that things/findings like this should be taken into account when creating an education system, but equally I know it's just not possible. Not in our country. We're so stuck in the past in terms of our perception of school and how we should teach our children (us :P) that we can't even adopt any technological advancements, let alone any systematical changes, like adjusting the criteria for teacher job applications. The school system mostly can't even adjust to modern world's realia and encumbers the primary school children with such huge amount of information that they can't possibly process it in the time they have available.


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