Eco trends

Yesterday the European Parliament approved ban on throwaway plastics. The use of disposable cutlery, straws etc. is supposed to be reduced by 2021 what caused some heated debates on the internet. I think that this decision could have been influenced by many campaigns supported by famous people from all over the world. It could be even called a trend or a fashion to be in the ‘Eco Club’. Strangely, some people make it an allegation, for example in comments on the internet they claim that those celebrities who engage in ‘save the environment’ or ‘save animals’ campaigns are stupid and hypocrites and do it just because it is trendy or because others do it. Of course in some cases it might be true but I really do not see the point of this criticism. In my opinion it does not make any sense to criticize a fashion just because it is a fashion. It surely can have many positive effects but it would probably have even more if people stopped judging and trying to pigeonhole everything and everyone. I wish good ideas were appreciated regardless of whether you like the one who makes them or not.


  1. The amount of casual hate on the Internet seems to limitless.
    Someone on a comedy chat show said recently that the ban on plastic straws in the UK was single-handedly caused by David Attenborough and one of the episodes of Blue Planet, which showed the plastic pollution.
    BTW, I have some doubts about the way you used the words 'allegations' and 'pigeonhole'. Come talk to me?


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