
Wyświetlanie postów z październik, 2018

Eco trends

Yesterday the European Parliament approved ban on throwaway plastics. The use of disposable cutlery, straws etc. is supposed to be reduced by 2021 what caused some heated debates on the internet. I think that this decision could have been influenced by many campaigns supported by famous people from all over the world. It could be even called a trend or a fashion to be in the ‘Eco Club’. Strangely, some people make it an allegation, for example in comments on the internet they claim that those celebrities who engage in ‘save the environment’ or ‘save animals’ campaigns are stupid and hypocrites and do it just because it is trendy or because others do it. Of course in some cases it might be true but I really do not see the point of this criticism. In my opinion it does not make any sense to criticize a fashion just because it is a fashion. It surely can have many positive effects but it would probably have even more if people stopped judging and trying to pigeonhole everything and everyo


Recently I attended two lessons on a similar topic, given by two teachers. I was surprised by how distinct they were. Those teachers gave us the same information but in a completely different way.  It made me consider how the 'style' of teaching influences students and what is the cause of their diversity. The thought that first crossed my mind was on the connection between the teacher's character and their way of passing the knowledge. Is there some set of qualities that they should have? And if so, why is it not the criterion of hiring teachers or accepting people to study how to teach? But why then some of them are appreciated by a half of students and the other half does not really get what they say? Maybe there are different 'styles' suitable for different students. I thought that this is issue has not been really examined scientifically what would be the reason of all these, as I believed, unanswered questions. However, it turned out that there is plenty of ra

Educated people

Last week I’ve had a discussion with a teacher about connection between behaviour, intelligence and education. I agreed with her that in spite of what I think is commonly believed these are not equivalent and sometimes do not come together. Some people are educated very well but it does not necessarily mean that they behave adequately to the situation or can use the skills and knowledge they obtained. On the other hand, sometimes people who were not properly educated turn out to be geniuses. A great example of the first kind which immediately crossed my mind was the Kavanaugh scandal and Bret Kavanaugh’s behavior during the judiciary committee hearing. It can not be said that he is not competent or well-educated but he proved that it has not much to do with his demeanor. In my opinion his hearing is not a good ground to call him an intelligent person. Fortunately, however, there is also a number of people who are very intelligent, knowledgeable and well-behaved (but they usually don’t

Emotional sports fans

Yesterday Polish representation won the Volleyball World Championship . Although I find matches rather boring I watched this one with my friends. I found it quite interesting how impassioned people were about the games. Some of them were literally terrified when ‘their’ team lost the point and Polish fans started crying with tears of joy when it turned out that Polish representation won. I started wondering if those people are so emotional in all life situations but the answer is probably not. But why is sport what brings the feelings out? I guess that they feel some kind of a bond with the players and identify with them as of the same nationality. However, it seems a bit ridiculous to me. I can understand players who are emotional but fans have nothing to do neither with their success nor defeat. Maybe some people just need this feeling of being involved in something bigger? As for me, it is a psychological phenomenon which is quite hard to understand.