Where does hate come from?

Recently I've seen a play "Zapiski z wygnania" in Polonia Theatre and I've been to an exhibition "Estranged. March '68 and Its Aftermath" in Polin Museum. Both of them ended with a similar conclusion that hate is something pervasive and over the years the only thing that changed is the way it is expressed. Their endings were focused on recent examples of hostility in polish society, for instance posts on Twitter, comments or recordings from manifestations. Those events made me think about the source of such behavior and feelings. In my opinion they were unfounded and adressed to strangers those people knew nothing about. I started wondering where does it all come from? Is it the influence of such person’s environment, the way of upbringing, family or friends? Or is it some psychological issue that makes them more likely to ‘express’ their bad feelings in a way that hurts other people? I found it really disturbing that people from the same country, with the same culture, with similar lifes and views on some topics can have so drastically different opinions about other things.


  1. My take on this is that hate is something rooted so deep within our human nature, that we can never fully diminish it. It's just that some people handle it well enough to stay civilized, while feeling it, and others don't seem to possess this ability.


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