Why in the age of science do so many people believe in supernatural things?

People still believe in supernatural things because it is a way of explaining things they do not understand. The world we live in is really complex and some phenomenon have not been understood yet or are so hard to explain that most people do not get it. Paranormal things are usually the opposite – they simplify an incomprehensible thing using one supernatural factor. People take it as an uncomplicated answer for the questions most of us ask. Most people prefer to have a simple interpretation of the events that take place than to struggle with questions with no answer or a really complicated one.


  1. A well-written paragraph, in which this sentence ("People take it as an uncomplicated answer for the questions most of us ask.") seems redundant (= unnecessary as it just repeats the ideas which are already there).
    'Phenomenon' (plural: phenomena).

  2. Isn't this a sign of fear or laziness? Like for example claiming that a mathematical problem you can't solve is impossible, unsolvable and makes no sense, rather than searching for a potential answer, thinking about it, doing more and more progress towards solving it. Isn't this the exact opposite what science and discovery is about?

  3. As for me, it's not a case of the truth being too complex for people to understand, because those complicated things that are the foundations of some controversial phenomenas in the universe are very often well-explained in every aspect, but there are people that just deny everything they can't measure themselves, and that's how you have flat-earthers and all the others.


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