What is to blame for the modern epidemic of obesity?

The modern epidemic of obesity is a result of wide availability of processed food that contains a lot of sugar and fat. Because of the industrial development, such products have become very cheap and nowadays most people can afford them. Actually, in many cases products with lower content of fat and sugar are more expensive than the unhealthy ones. If sweet and fatty products were harder to get, obesity probably would not be such a serious problem in today’s world.


  1. You don't really point a finger at anyone. Whose responsibility is it that cheap and unhealthy food has flooded the markets?

  2. I don't think the obese ones would let go of sugary products even if they were harder to obtain. I assume the market demand is incredibly stable if it comes to sweets. You're biologically addicted to water, you'll pay for it what they tell you to pay. Wouldn't most people react the same way with sugar?

  3. So concluding from your paragraph, the problem and the guilty one is the whole food industry itself? And what would be the solution then, to go vege or raw food diet?


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