
Wyświetlanie postów z luty, 2018

Why in the age of science do so many people believe in supernatural things?

People still believe in supernatural things because it is a way of explaining things they do not understand. The world we live in is really complex and some phenomenon have not been understood yet or are so hard to explain that most people do not get it. Paranormal things are usually the opposite – they simplify an incomprehensible thing using one supernatural factor. People take it as an uncomplicated answer for the questions most of us ask. Most people prefer to have a simple interpretation of the events that take place than to struggle with questions with no answer or a really complicated one.

What is to blame for the modern epidemic of obesity?

The modern epidemic of obesity is a result of wide availability of processed food that contains a lot of sugar and fat. Because of the industrial development, such products have become very cheap and nowadays most people can afford them. Actually, in many cases products with lower content of fat and sugar are more expensive than the unhealthy ones. If sweet and fatty products were harder to get, obesity probably would not be such a serious problem in today’s world.

Should people spend money on space exploration?

People should spend money on space exploration because the Earth is becoming more and more polluted and some day it may be impossible to live there any longer. Even if people stopped contaminating the environment, it would not be possible to reverse the harm humanity have done to the planet. Space exploration is a possibility of finding an alternative place where people could move if the Earth became too polluted to live there. However, it is impossible without investing in new technologies, researches and experiments. The only way to find a planet similar to the one we live on is exploring the space and in this case exploration equals money.