
Black tea

Production of black tea basis on a fermentation (only for several hours) and drying. It owes its popularity to its great influence on our digestive system. It helps with food poisonings and makes it easier to digest heavy meals. Moreover, it can lower the blood pressure and prevent atherosclerosis.

Green tea

It is made by drying, the fermentation does not take place, what is the reason for its sour and refreshing taste. It is valued for having detoxifying and slimming properties. It can also reduce the risk of cancer and improve circulation and the skin appearance.

Red tea

Its special features are a result of a long fermentation process, which is stopped only when the leaves become red. Red tea effectively lowers the level of cholesterol, it can also help fight infections. Some people use it to fight the feeling of overeating.

White tea

It is created from early-spring flower buds and leaves picked by hand. They are only dried, just like green tea. It has a strong oxidative effect and can lower the blood pressure, as well as prevent various types of cancer. It has a beneficial influence on the heart and circulatory system. It is recommended for those, who suffer from osteoporosis and arthritis because it strengthens bones



  1. What exactly is an oxidative effect? It would also be interesting to know the mechanisms behind the beneficial influence of these teas, i.e. HOW do they manage to strengthen bones or lower cholesterol.


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