Super berries

Berries, in general, are said to prevent aging processes and preventt many heart diseases due to a suprisingly high content of atioxidants. One of the main advantages of them is, of course, the taste and the variety of ways they can be used everyday, from adding it to your yoghurt to making jams and juices. There are some of the most extraordinary fruits of this kind.

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania acaiAcai berry
Very popular in Amazon, they are said to be one of the strongest plant-based cancer preventers. They are usually sold dried or as a frozen pulp and are a common component of smoothies and coctails.

Their main asset is an outstandig content of vitamins C and K. The main producer of them is Mexico, but they are extensively common in Europe and America.

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania blueberry pancakesBlueberry
One of the most popular berries, they are nearly the best antioxidant amongst all plants. They are native to North America what is why they are commercialy grown there. Unfortunately, their production in USA is attatced to using numerous pesticides, harmful to peoples’ health and the enviornment. It is one of the most eagerly eaten fruits in America. They are often used in making blueberry pancakes.


Native to North America as well, they are helpful in curing bladder and urinary system diseases. The most common ‘form’ is dried or frozen cranberry. 

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania cranberry


  1. Why is your post so US-centric?! We have blackberries growing wild, as well as wild blueberries - people pick them in forests and they don't need to be farmed. I regularly pick both kinds. I even picked cranberries once, years ago.


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