Ginger root

Ginger's been known in many cultures for its anti-inflammatory properties, it can significantly improve immunity. Used in alleviating gastrointestinal symptoms, for example it can prevent motion sickness or morning sickness during pregnancy. Ginger also enhances nutrient absorption.
It can reduce various types of muscle pain, e.g. muscle soreness and is also said to significantly relieve menstrual cramps.
Due to a high volatile acids (antibacterial and antiviral) content, it strengthens the body's defence mechanisms.
Personally, I use ginger most often when I'm sick, as it helps fight infections. Next to the volatile acids, it contains a lot of vitamin C and minerals. The easiest way to use it (especially when you're sick and do not have energy to do anything more advanced) is making ginger infused water - some people call it 'ginger tea'.. However, to extract as much as possible from the root, eat it with a high-protein meal.


  1. I add ginger to lots of dishes, especially in winter (we could swap recipes) but 'ginger tea' with lemon and honey is my default drink when I feel cold or have flu. An Ayurveda fan once told me that you shouldn't overdo ginger because if consumed in very large quantities it can do harm. But I forget what it can cause. Maybe you know?

    1. I'm not sure if that's what this person had in mind but I've heard that because of its impact on blood coagulation it should be avoided before surgeries etc. (and by people who have problems with coagulation) but I have no idea what else problems can it cause.


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