
 Garlic is commonly known and used in each kitchen everyday. It was used for ages, usually as a vampire repellent, natural medicine for cold or a condiment (especially in Mediterranean and Asian cuisine).
Although it is hard to prove its influence on vampires, it is known that garlic is truly helpful in both preventing and treating cold, due to high content of vitamin C and the fact that it stimulates production of interferon. The research confirmed that it also lowers the blood pressure and levels of cholesterol.
Another prosperity attached to eating garlic is the fact that you do not have to eat a lot to notice positive changes in your health condition. It is enough to ingest 2 to 3 cloves per day. You can cut it or crush it as it expedites the absorption of the beneficial components. In fact, too much garlic can be toxic – the recommended intake is below 7 coves (what is about 20 g).
Garlic can be used to replace salt in everyday cooking what is a great solution if you have problems with too high blood pressure.
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  1. Questions:
    1. Do the properties of garlic change when it's been cooked?
    2. Any advice about how to cope with the smell, which some people hate?
    You probably meant 'PROPERTY', not 'prosperity'?
    I appreciate the understatement when you talk about vampires.


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