What is so super about superfoods?

'Superfood' is not a scientific term, its origins are connected with marketing. However, it is widely attached to nutrient-rich foods that are considered to be really benefitial for our health. They reduce the risk of chronic diseases (stroke, heart diseases, cancer etc.) and have anti-inflammatory and antiallergenic properties.

The status of a superfood is usually assigned in case of plants, but sometimes it appears in regard to fish or diary. Some people also include himalayan salt to this group.

While judging wether something is a superfood, people take into account the amount of, for instance, antioxidants, vitamins, polyphenols, minerals or omega-3 fatty acids. One of the most important thing is that superfoods can never be processed. Heat treatment causes breakdown of nutrients and other important substances what makes food less valuable.
Superfoods come from all over the world and each example has different nutritional value. Some of them are often associated with the term ‘superfoods’ (e.g. spiruline, quinoa) but many of widely used products are also quite extraordinary in terms of their influence on human’s body (tomatoes, garlic, curly kale).

Introducing superfoods to your diet is suprisingly easy because nowadays such products are avilable in many places, as well as in internet shops. When you strat paying attention to such things, suddenly it turns out that your trolley contains more and more salubrious items what can reflect in your health condition.




  1. I am always a bit worried that these foods are just a fad or a marketing trick. Some time ago people were brainwashed into believing that butter is all bad and margarine is the perfect solution. Fat was bad and sugar was okay - now we know it's the opposite.
    Anyway, while you do your research, be vigilant: there's plenty of nutritional pseudoscience around.

  2. My friend was a vegan for a while and he found out that such food is much more expensive and finding replacements can be really hard. What do you think?


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