What did I find disturbing or annoying about Jay Walker's TED talk?

TED's motto is: ideas worth spreading, but it turns out that what really is "worth spreading" is an subjective matter. Jay Walker's talk about the world's English mania, as the phenomenon was called, contained some annoying elements, which made me disagree with the speaker.

The most bothering question were the arguments chosen. The presenter was talking about the position of English in China, not in the world, as the title suggests. This country is not 'typical' and surely should not be used as the only example in this case, as it is hard to refer Chineese attitude towards this problem to, for instance, the European one.

To my mind, Walker's speech seemed not to be objective. It could work well as an advertisment of English classes, as he uses only arguments 'for' his claim. He does not mention any other language, like English was the only one that matters.

Another thing is that the position of English is overestimated. It does not provide anyone a job and is not a factor that changes lifes and makes the reality incomparably better in almost all aspects. Of course, it can be helpful in some questions and for sure it is important to learn foreign languages, but English is not the condition of happiness (and I think that the video may lead to such conclusions).

Personally, I found the performance not really believable and unconvincing, propably because of the arguments chosen by the speaker. I couldn't get rid of the feeling of manipulation, both in case of Chineese children and myself.


  1. One can almost sense your annoyance with the speaker. Indeed, manipulation (or maybe just lack of awareness?) is a pretty pervasive feature of his talk.


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