Chia Seeds (Salvia hispanica L.)

Gaining popularity as superfoods, chia seeds are one of the richest sources of antioxdiants, plant-based omega 3, plant-based protein and fiber.

Incredible properties of chia were highly appreciated by many cultures. They originally come from Mexico, where people even used them as money, because of their nutritional and medicinal value. Chia seeds are also known to have been used during by Aztec warriors, due to energy it provides and by Maya, for instance as a sacrifice in religious rites. Even the name ‘chia’, ‘strenght’ in Mayan, suggests it’s power.

Thanks to scientific researches, nowadays we know that chia have anti-cancer properties (due to antioxidants), can help to prevent heart and circulatory diseases and control blood sugar (according to high content of fiber and fatty acids).

Because of the fact that they are almost flavorless, these seeds can be used in virtually every type of cuisine as an additive, but they also occur as the main ingridient, for example in chia puddings.


Serves: 2 cups
  • 6 Tablespoons chia seeds
  • 2 cups unsweetened almond or coconut milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1-2 Tablespoons honey or maple syrup (optional)
  • seasonal fruit, nuts or seeds for topping
  1. In a bowl, mix chia seeds, milk, vanilla and maple syrup.
  2. When the mixture is well combined, let it sit for 5 minutes, give it another stir (to break up any clumps of seeds), cover and put in the fridge for 1-2 hours.
  3. Once your pudding is ready to serve, divide it between two bowls, top with fruit, seeds, nuts and enjoy :)


  1. I quite like chia pudding and I make it pretty often. The trick is not to forget about it during the first 30 minutes of soaking because it gets lumpy very fast.
    Someone has told me recently that we shouldn't eat more than two spoonfuls of chia seeds a day because it can literally block our bowels like cement. Is it true?

    1. The main contradiction to eating a lot of Chia seeds is the fact that they contain a lot of fiber and ALA, that's why they should not be eaten too often. However, opinions in this matter are divided (e.g. FDA told that Chia seeds are absolutely safe, but European Food Safety Authority claims that you should consult a doctor before introducing Chia to your diet). The recommended dose of Chia seeds is said to be 2-4 spoonfuls per day (experts argue about that, but no one has proven that 4 spoonfuls can be dangerous). And about "blocking our bowels", I've read that there was only one case of such aliment: a young man in America ate more than 100 grams of Chia seeds at once before any sports event what made him end up in hospital, but such evenements are not very common and in this case, as usual, moderation is the key.

  2. How often should I eat chia for positive effects in my health?


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