
Wyświetlanie postów z październik, 2017


Spirulina is a microalgae (blue-green algae), one of the oldest life forms on Earth. It is one of the most nutrient-rich foods in the world. It's packed with vital nutrients that can protect us from many illnesses. The research proved that it can reduce fatigue, but it also helps improve the immune system, supports the heart, kidneys and liver and is hoped to be one of the best anti-cancer superfoods (but there is not enough research to tell that confidently). Moreover, spirulina is a natural detoxifier and oxygenates the blood. Another advantage is that it is also an appetite suppressant, and it helps to improve the digestive system. Spirulina has 10 times the beta-carotene of carrot. It contains all nine essential amino acids, many rare fatty acids and it is almost 3/4 protein. What is more, it is a rich source of vitamins, minerals (iron, potassium, as well as calcium chromium, and copper). How to introduce spirulina to your diet? Spirulina Green Juice a handful of spina

Chia Seeds (Salvia hispanica L.)

Gaining popularity as superfoods, chia seeds are one of the richest sources of antioxdiants, plant-based omega 3, plant-based protein and fiber. Incredible properties of chia were highly appreciated by many cultures. They originally come from Mexico, where people even used them as money, because of their nutritional and medicinal value. Chia seeds are also known to have been used during by Aztec warriors, due to energy it provides and by Maya, for instance as a sacrifice in religious rites. Even the name ‘chia’, ‘strenght’ in Mayan, suggests it’s power. Thanks to scientific researches, nowadays we know that chia have anti-cancer properties (due to antioxidants), can help to prevent heart and circulatory diseases and control blood sugar (according to high content of fiber and fatty acids). Because of the fact that they are almost flavorless, these seeds can be used in virtually every type of cuisine as an additive, but they also occur as the main ingridient, for example in

What is so super about superfoods?

'Superfood' is not a scientific term, its origins are connected with marketing. However, it is widely attached to nutrient-rich foods that are considered to be really benefitial for our health. They reduce the risk of chronic diseases (stroke, heart diseases, cancer etc.) and have anti-inflammatory and antiallergenic properties. The status of a superfood is usually assigned in case of plants, but sometimes it appears in regard to fish or diary. Some people also include himalayan salt to this group. While judging wether something is a superfood, people take into account the amount of, for instance, antioxidants, vitamins, polyphenols, minerals or omega-3 fatty acids. One of the most important thing is that superfoods can never be processed. Heat treatment causes breakdown of nutrients and other important substances what makes food less valuable. Superfoods come from all over the world and each example has different nutritional value. Some of them are often associated

What did I find disturbing or annoying about Jay Walker's TED talk?

TED's motto is: ideas worth spreading , but it turns out that what really is "worth spreading" is an subjective matter. Jay Walker's talk about the world's English mania, as the phenomenon was called, contained some annoying elements, which made me disagree with the speaker. The most bothering question were the arguments chosen. The presenter was talking about the position of English in China, not in the world, as the title suggests. This country is not 'typical' and surely should not be used as the only example in this case, as it is hard to refer Chineese attitude towards this problem to, for instance, the European one. To my mind, Walker's speech seemed not to be objective. It could work well as an advertisment of English classes, as he uses only arguments 'for' his claim. He does not mention any other language, like English was the only one that matters. Another thing is that the position of English is overestimated. It does not p