Too much choice in shops

Today me and my mom were talking about children books and toys and she said that nowadays it is much easier to find beautiful or inventive ones. I agreed but I am also of the view that there are much more useless or ugly things too. It probably appears in most areas of mass-produced goods that the choice consumers have is getting bigger and bigger each day. It is happening so fast that it is hard to imagine how will a shopping mall (or an online shopping site) look in 30 years. I honestly do not believe that any of the most known companies will reduce the variety of products they have on offer. There will be more and more options and we will have to make more and more insignificant choices but I doubt that it will make us happier. On the other hand, as my mom said, there appeared some valuable things which were not available a few years ago. But someday it might be impossible to find them among all the worthless items.


  1. Ten komentarz został usunięty przez autora.

  2. I think it's good for people that nowadays we have possibility of choice. However, too many options can be bad. For example, when we can't deside what buy becouse of variety of possibilities.


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