
Wyświetlanie postów z listopad, 2018

Educational systems

Yesterday I read in the news that in Singapore teachers will no longer give grades. It was quite surprising, considering that in most international tests their students get the highest results. However, they decided that their students should not focus on grades. Also in Finland, the schooling system is going to be changed. These changes are quite radical but it is great that in these countries the government is thinking about the future and did realize that education is actually what creates it. However, my second thought on this topic was not so optimistic because I realized that in Poland the situation is quite the opposite. I often feel as if the government was trying to lower the education level (maybe because it is easier to rule stupid people). It will probably take ages  to get to where for example Finland or Singapore are now or will get soon. I do not only mean the results we have (in comparison to other countries these are not the worst), but also the emotions the school in

Is science becoming a lie?

Last week I saw a documentary about how consuming dairy influences our organisms. It referred to many scientific studies and researches. After watching it I wanted to check the sources because some of the information seemed quite unbelievable. The results of the studies quoted in the documentary were real and confirmed by many scientists, but I also came across various studies that proved the opposite. Is it possible that American and British scientists got completely different results of a similar research? Some people claim that the results of a study are directly related to its sponsors. This idea is quite disturbing, considering that numerous studies on cancer, heart diseases, diabetes etc. are sponsored by food companies, while food is very likely to be linked to all these diseases. However, nowadays all researches are paid for by ‘biased’companies or people. Does this mean that we should not believe any of them? It is terrifying that the society is so easy to manipulate, but even

Why do people support politicians like Bolsonaro?

The only answer I can give to this question is that people support and vote for radical right-wing politicians because they think that they are somehow better than some other option. There are so many different factors and situation that probably every person who supports such political views has actually a little bit different reason to do so. However, I think a lot about it because I personally often do not agree with opinions those politicians present and it makes me wonder why do they differ. Is it a result of the way of upbringing and the impact of society or does it ‘come from you’ and is something natural? On one hand it is hard to believe that we can ‘be born with some kind of morality’, but on the other I feel that my views are not imposed in any way but are natural for me and it is quite difficult to imagine that for someone else they could be not. In my opinion the problem with answering this question, and with politics in general, is that nobody can actually understand or i