
Wyświetlanie postów z maj, 2018

What do we learn about modern society from this film?

The message coming from this film is that in modern society people's lifestyles are based on possessing and following the trends. The main characters' work is selling a certain way of living. It is focused on buying various products to become more similar to the 'perfect family' which becomes a role model for the whole community. Steve, Kate and their 'children' try to impress and influence others. As a result, people imitate them by purchasing products they use and recommend. Neighbours want to be appreciated for who they are but for what they have. This community stands for a significant part of the society, as nowadays many people follow the trends and buy more and more products just to admired by others.

Does art have to be beautiful?

I think that art does not have to be beautiful. It's aim is to make people think about something or arouse certain emotions. It should in some way relate to reality, which is not always beautiful. If art was focused only on pleasing things, it would depict just a small part of people's' lives. You could compare it to movies - if they were only showing nice and beautiful things nobody would watch them, because we would find them boring and not relevant to our everyday experiences. Art also should show all aspects of life, also the 'unpleasant' ones.