
Wyświetlanie postów z październik, 2019

Taste the World Festival The podcast is a relation from a culinary event where music and dance play an important role. It shows an amazing relation between food and culture if various ethnic groups from different parts of the world. In today's world, in the era of globalization, we can try different countries' cuisine without travelling further than to the city centre. It is an amazing opportunity to broaden one's cultural horizons and eat some delicious and extraordinary foods. However, I think it would be a huge loss for us if we gave up all the historical and sometimes even philosophical aspects of ethnic food. Originally, the process of preparing a dish might have been long and complexed and many 'oriental' restaurants, omnipresent in the streets of most western cities, just deprive their meals of the initial meaning and just play with foreign spices. Obviously, it does not mean that all the things we eat have to be authentic and have a spirit