
Wyświetlanie postów z wrzesień, 2019

The Testaments The article focuses on a new Margaret Atwood's novel, "The Testaments", and relates it to the current political situation of the US and some other places in the world as well. The author of the article compares the reality in the United States in the time of Trump’s term to the regime of Gilead, a fictional Republic created by Attwood in "The Handmaid's Tale", one of her most popular books, to which "The Testaments" is a sequel. The state of affairs is, of course, not as horrible as in the books but many events may actually be considered parallel, for instance the recent change of the abortion law in Alabama and its probable repercussions would fit in the books' vibe. I have not read the second novel yet, so I can not relate to its plot but I am a little bit worried if it will be as good as "The Handmaid's Tale". I would personal