
Wyświetlanie postów z kwiecień, 2019

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs This video is about Maslow’s pyramid of needs. While I was watching, it crossed my mind a few times that nowadays in social media quite a lot of attention is focused on self-development and ‘becoming the true self’ or ‘the best self’, which is the top level of the pyramid, has somehow become trendy. However in my opinion many of the statements in this area are meaningless and rather aphoristic. Also, the increase in focus on such topics would mean that the society is close to some kind of an ideal which I strongly doubt. a yearning for His yearnings for knowledge were impossible to answer in those times. hard-nosed The company is looking only for hard-nosed businessmen so there is no chance for you to be hired. to honour sth All parents should teach their children to honour other people’s opinions from the very beginning.

Heritability of intelligence The topic of these two videos was the heritability of intelligence and the correlation between genes and intelligence. It was quite surprising for me that one's intelligence depends so much on their DNA. It is important to be acknowledged and used to improve systems of education all around the world. Also, it might bring a whole new bunch of arguments and doubts in the dispute on modifying the genes and the possibility of parents to influence the qualities of their baby. to scan through sth Every morning she would scan through the newspaper in search for any information about her husband. (to have) a hunch I have a hunch that your plan will be a disaster. to be backwater You might think we're backwater here but we know how to use the Internet!