
Wyświetlanie postów z marzec, 2018

The tree of life

Last week I watched a short scientific animated film named "The tree of life" narrated by David Attenborough. It was focused on the theory of evolution. The film was very interesting and for sure was based on reliable research. In my opinion it was an essence of the whole theory and made it accessible and understandable for many people, even though many of them do not have sophisticated knowledge in this field. I believe that such films are a good source of education for all people and it would be beneficial for all of us if they spread and became available in more languages etc.

Would you like to work in the Madarin Oriental?

I would not like to work in this hotel because I do not think that I could find common ground with people who come there. They come from a very eccentric entourage with a specific hierarchy of priorities. In my opinion most of guests place money in the foreground and believe that if you are rich you can get almost everything. My attitude is actually an opposite - I claim that there is plenty of things that are more valuable. The Mandarin Oriental is not a place for me because I do not think that I could get on well with its guests.

Is it possible that we will stop being a throwaway society?

It is not possible that we will stop being a throwaway society because it would demand a huge change in lifestyle and attitude from everybody. Such a way of living is not very harmful for them but it will impact their descendants. People need a visible motivation to change something. Sophisticated explanations by scientists are ignored - in order to become aware of the threat most of us need to get affected personally or even suffer from it. That is why the society is unlikely to change and nobody should hope that situation will improve soon.